Tuesday & Thursday mornings at 11am-12pm.

We offer an over 40s Medicare funded group education and exercise program to help people with Type 2 Diabetes or those of you wanting an exercise program that is age appropriate and suitable to your specific needs.

The program consists of:
• An Initial Health Screening and Assessment
• 8 Bulk Billed Group Classes

The Program runs within the gym facility for 1 hour. The program is designed to be flexible to allow you to come and go as you please within the hour. You can either complete an independent program under our supervision. Or join in with our fun mini-circuits run by us.

The aim is to give you the skills, knowledge and guidance to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Assisting you with weight loss and improved blood sugar levels. As well as address any injury, pain or rehabilitation concerns you may have. The class is designed to be flexible and to suit your needs and goals.

The classes are fun and enjoyable and have a variety of options that can be self-paced and are tailored to all ages, fitness levels and abilities, so need NO need to have a certain level of fitness to begin.


  • See your local General Practitioner and ask for a diabetes referral, or print the referral below and take it with you. Then contact us to book your free Health Assessment & Screening.

  • If you’re not diabetic contact us to book an initial assessment so that you can commence the class. its $20 a session, or 10 sessions for $170. FIRST SESSION IS FREE!